Tongue Tied Films is a documentary film production company based in Edinburgh, Scotland, directed and created by filmmaker Alastair Cole. The aim of Tongue Tied Films is to realise critical and creative documentary films, both short and feature length, for cinema, festival and broadcast, as well as support related documentary film research and projects.
Our film’s have focused on stories, issues and subjects surrounding language, delving into fields of linguistic anthropology and multilingualism research, as well as exploring ageing and care, environmental history and futures, and traditional ecological knowledge, creating fresh and meaningful creative documentaries and practice based research for an international audience. Previous films have been in cinemas globally, have been screened at over 150 film festivals internationally, won multiple awards, and have been broadcast on the BBC and internationally in over 50 countries in more than 30 languages. You can see more information on previous productions in our films and projects section of the website.
Alastair is also a Senior Lecturer in Film Practice at Newcastle University, UK. If you are interested in discussing documentary film based PhD supervision you can reach him via his university page here
You can find out about upcoming screenings at individual film websites, or on twitter here. To make contact please use the contact form here.