Después de un incendio (After A Fire) (2023)

English Title: After a Fire

Documentary Film, 26mins. Bolivia / UK. On Release.

Directed and filmed by Miguel Hilari

Producer: Alastair Cole

Original Language: Spanish and Ayoreo. 

Subtitles Available: English, Spanish, Italian, French


Dry season in Chochís, a town in the Bolivian Amazon.

Four Ayoreo families live in a makeshift camp on the outskirts of town. They fled from wildfires that destroyed their territory. Seven decades ago they fled the forest, which was their ancestral home and provided their livelihood. A forest which is increasingly threatened. They flee poverty.

Their relationship with the town’s neighbours is tense.

Sometimes, they gather around a campfire and remember the forest.

Spanish Synopsis:

Temporada seca en Chochís, un pueblo en la Amazonía boliviana.

Cuatro familias ayoreas viven en un campamento en las afueras del pueblo. Huyeron de un incendio forestal que destruyó su territorio. También huyen del monte, que fue su medio de vida hasta hace setenta años atrás, y que está cada vez más amenazado. Huyen de la pobreza.

Las relaciones entre ellos y los vecinos del pueblo son tensas.

Alguna noche se reúnen alrededor de una fogata y recuerdan historias del monte.

This film was developed and produced within the Playing with Wildfire research project. For screening inquiries please email